B212 THROUGH THE BIBLE II – POETRY AND PROPHECY – This is a 3 credit hour course that deals with the remainder of the Old Testament. This course can be applied to an Associate of Christian Ministry Degree or a Bachelor of Christian Ministry Degree. Rich insights into the poetry books (Kethubim) and the prophecy books (Nebuim) are gathered. Particularly interesting is the break down of the five (5) books of Psalms. The sufferings of Job and the interfacing of the prophets with the governmental leaders of their day. The textbook is OLD TESTAMENT SURVEY – Part 2, by Gary V. Smith is available from the Evangelical Training Association, 380 South Schmale Rd., Suite 121, Carol Stream, IL. You may order by calling 1-630-384-6920 or online at www.etaworld.org . The ISBN number is 1-910566-47-X.
Enrollment in this course will allow you to log in at any time and work at your own pace. If you would like to take this course, you can contact the main office at 1-410-634-9005 – between 9 am & 5 pm EST, Tuesday – Thursday, or can email cbcpastored@yahoo.com
To access course material, click on “COURSE SYLLABUS” below.