Chesapeake Bible College is a member of the Congregational Library, 14 Bacon Street, Boston, MA 02108 (607) 523-0470. School of Ministry students may borrow books under our name. There are over 225,000 titles available to students. When you order books from the Congregational Library, please be as specific as possible. You should mention the author, book title and/or topic. For example, instead of requesting “Pastoral Counseling”, ask for “Pastoral Counseling with the Aged”. You may keep their books for four weeks from the day you receive them. Renewals can be had by letter or phone if no other reader is waiting for the book you wish to renew.

130 N. Spring Street # 3, Springdale, AR 72764 has thousands of CD’s on books of the Bible and religious subjects which can be loaned via mail. Just call (501) 756-1100 or (800) 643-3056 to talk with the world’s largest free loan library of Bible study CD’s. The office is open from 9:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Saturday.


Brings up their home page. To the left of the screen you will see their Web Sites. Clicking on them will give additional sites which contain so much information that it is difficult to summarize.
Allows an individual to do an in depth Bible study using various translations, interlinear Bibles, commentaries, concordances, dictionaries, lexicons (Greek/Hebrew), sermon helps, church history and other resources.
The site for several major Christian magazines such as Computing Today, Today’s Christian Women, Campus Life, Christianity Today and many more.
An awesome site! It is called Bible Search and Study. As you scroll the front page you have 35 links to choose from, such as: Acts of the Apostles, AMG International and Pulpit Helps, Christian Answers, Christian Apologetics and Research, Christian Classics Ethereal Library, The Preacher’s Study, Series of Illustrations, The Spurgeon Archive, etc. For example, there are 38 volumes of the Early Church Fathers available.
Site devoted to answers any question which the Christian may have regarding his/her faith as it relates to issues today. They cover abortion, archaeology, The Bible, creation/evolution, dinosaurs, governments, etc. This site is supported by Eden Communications (Films for Christ) and their videos can be purchased online.
Provides 127 links to other sites on its homepage. At the bottom homepage, you can click on cross search which allow you to access 13,000 safe sites of special interest to Christian.
The site, World Religious Index, has five major index titled: Personal Pages, Articles, Table One – Christianity and cults compared. Table Two – Christianity and the major religions compared. Other Sites – which deal with world religions and religious philosophies.
This site is great for word studies. The number of definitions is amazing.
The site has a wealth of writings written by Jews plus the Old Testament writings.
This site has more books than you could imagine. It seems to have all of the books in the two books titled “The Other Bible” edited by Willis Barnstone [1984] and “The Lost Books of the Bible and The Forgotten Books of Eden” originally published by Alpha House, Inc. 1926 and 1927 reissued by Word Bible Publishers [nd].

FREE BIBLE SOFTWARE is a free Bible software site with 75 plus public domain books which can be downloaded for free. Another site to check out for free Bible software is offers a free download of Bible Explorer with 100+ free books.

Finally check out for printed material and audio material as well as online video lessons.
Isn’t it great that God has blessed us to live in a time when so much reference and study materials are available with a click of a mouse?

Nelson’s Electronic Bible Reference Library

Nelson Electronic Publishing
501 Nelson Place
Nashville, TN 37214
(800) 933 09673 x2830

The Master Christina Library
AGES Software
P.O. Box 1926
Albany, OR 973211
(800) 297-4307; Fax 541 971-0839

Baker Book House Company
P.O. Box 6287
Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287
(616) 676-2315; Fax 616-676-2315
NOTE: There are many more software systems available on CD-Rom which are easy to obtain.